

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Tatum Scrufari

Welcome Buccaneers! 

My name is Tatum Scrufari and I started teaching in 2015. I received my degree in Elementary Education from my home town at the University of North Carolina Wilmington! Bryan Road is a school full of treasure and I am so excited to be a part of it! 
I believe that the classroom is a place for discovery! I love to embrace the learning moments that arise and stretch our learning. Project-based learning is a big part of my classroom. I encourage students to explore their interests and learn through play. Kindergarten is a big year and I am blessed to be a part of it!
Outside of school, I have a full house! I have FOUR beautiful children, two boys and two girls. We love to play outside in our neighborhood and go on trips! Disney is our favorite place to visit. We love Slinky Dog and Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway!