• December 16, 2016


    Hello, Ram families!  This is Mrs. Lassiter calling with the weekly announcements from Rolesville High School.

    Interim reports were sent home this week.  Please be sure to ask for them!!!

    As a reminder, counselors went to each AP class this week to present information about AP exams which will be administered in May.  Your AP student should be able to share more.

    I was asked to remind parents and students that teachers are putting zeroes into the online gradebook as a placeholder for grades taken when a student is absent.  Grades will be replaced when the work is made up and certainly are not permanent!  However, it is a clear visual clue to the average should makeup work NOT be completed.

    Senior parents, in case you need to review policies for senior exemptions from teacher-made exams, they are included in the student handbook. Clearly, the number of excused absences in addition to averages impact potential exemptions for a senior.  As stated before, NCDPI requires students in classes with EOCs, NCFEs and CTEs to sit for the exams.

    It was GREAT to see the participation of students in the food drive combined with our pep rally.  We’ve got the spirit, yes we do! Check us out on Twitter!

    I also want to remind everyone that the school will be closed beginning Thursday, December, 22nd and will reopen for students on January 3rd.

    That will do it for this week.  I hope you have a great weekend!