• RHS Weekly Updates   |    November 10, 2021 


    Publicaremos la traducción al español en "El Informativo" a principios de la semana que viene. 


    Hello, Ram Fam, 

    Thanks to those who supported Reindeer Days! 

    Thanks, also, to all who have served in our armed forces as we remember you and those who have served all of us on Veterans Day.  As one whose family has served, I am deeply appreciative of the commitment and sacrifices you have made on behalf of your fellow countrymen.  Bless you. 

    Remember that the building will be closed on Thursday and Friday of this week in recognition of our veterans and in recognition of everyone’s need to take a breath. 





    School Psychologist Appreciation Week:  Some of you have worked with our wonderful School Psychologist, Kelly Compliment.  Mrs. Compliment is truly a gem.  This week has been School Psychologist Appreciation Week.  If you have had the pleasure of working with her, it surely would be nice to send her an email to thank her for the excellent work she does.  For one, I must say that it is an honor to work with such a knowledgeable and devoted advocate for students! 


    Parent Information Night (9th-11th Grades):  RHS Student Services will host virtual presentations on Nov. 16th from 6-7:30PM using the format that we had last year.  We will send more information as the event approaches.  


    Driver Education:  I just wanted to let you know that we have heard that there are longer delays than anticipated by Jordan Driving School.  Due to the limited number of driving instructors and the backlog due to the pandemic, the current backlog for the driving portion of DE is 7-8 months.  As you know, the classroom portion of DE has been suspended while they provide the driving portion instruction to catch up.  It is my understanding that Jordan Driving School is communicating directly with parents about the delays, but I felt that the general school population should also be aware.   


    Mask Requirements for Indoor Sports re. Spectators:  As we transition to winter sports, remember that face coverings are still required indoors on school campuses.  The distance between students and adults should be a minimum of 6 feet to the greatest extent possible. 


    Parents Invited to free virtual summit for tips on student engagement, behavior support and self-care  In these free virtual sessions, parents can learn from experts who will offer strategies, solutions, and encouragement to help students and families thrive during these unusual times. This unique event is a collaboration with the National Center for Youth Issues. The first sessions will be offered on Nov. 18. Full schedule and registration links. 





    RHS is a Finalist - WRAL Voters Choice Awards:  Please vote!  Go here to cast your vote.  Voting ends Nov. 21st. 


    Opportunities to Volunteer with the Rolesville Athletic Club 

    Volunteer to help #BeautifyRolesville - 1st Saturday of every month (this Saturday) 



    Basketball Jamboree - Event is 11/13 



    Boston Butt Volunteer - EVENT is 11/23  



    It is almost time for BOSTON BUTTS!  Don’t forget to order yours for the Thanksgiving holiday from our Rolesville Athletic Club.  I got mine!  Pre-order your Butt for $40 through 11/19. 

    • 8 - 12 lb. Pork Butt fully cooked & ready to eat (with reheating instructions). 
    • Seasoned with our "Ram Rub" (served with a bottle of George's Barbecue sauce on the side.) 
    • Just in time for Thanksgiving & support all Rolesville Athletics! 
    • The pickup time on 11/23 is from 1-5PM. 
    Leadership Opportunity for Juniors:  Wake Electric seeks applicants for a one-week, all expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C. for the 2022 Electric Youth Tour. Winners also receive a $1,000 scholarship. Winners MUST go on the Washington Trip to be eligible for the $1,000 scholarship. The trip will be from June 18 – 24, 2022. Students who attend the Youth Tour will join 1,500 high school students from across the U.S. to learn about electric cooperatives, American history and the U.S. government.  Students will also visit the historic sites and federal facilities of the nation’s capital, as well as spend time with their congressional delegations. The $1,000 scholarship will be awarded the following year upon proof of enrollment in a North Carolina college or university.  

    The deadline to apply is December 15, 2021 by 5:00 p.m.  Applications must be in our office by the deadline. Any applications received after that date will be disqualified.  Applicants will be notified in mid-January 2022. 


    Applicants must currently be high school juniors in Durham, Franklin, Granville, Johnston, Nash, Vance and Wake counties.  Applicants DO NOT have to live in households served by Wake Electric in order to win. 


    For exciting details on the Youth Tour and what you can expect, visit www.youthtour.coop. To download an application, visit www.wemc.com 


    Volunteer to Share Your Expertise:  The Rolesville High School Business Alliance invites you to become part of your child’s education through involvement in our School-to-Career activities.  We encourage you to partner with us to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge for tomorrow’s global workforce.  School-to-Career activities include: classroom guest speaking, career fair participation, workplace tours, job shadowing, and curriculum integration projects & more.  For additional information: https://bit.ly/RHSBusinessAllianceInfo 


    Sophomore Announcement Platform:  All sophomores are invited to join our Google Classroom to keep up with important announcements throughout the school year.   https://classroom.google.com/c/NDAyNDIyODU1MjMw?cjc=q6sdlpd 


    Google Classroom for Freshman Announcements:  Ms. Calabrese is the counselor who coordinates freshman information.  She has set up a Google Classroom to post announcements.  You must access it with your Ram’s WakeID.  https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzk2MzEzNzg0NzAz?cjc=klt3cb7 and Class code:klt3cb7 


    Virtual Tutoring Provided by National Honor Society Students:  To support students in VA who could use the help of our NHS Rams, there will be virtual tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-3:30.  Use the Google code rhstutor.   


    COVID-19 FAQ:  Ms. Chambliss developed the following FAQ to help our school community navigate school, exposures and quarantines during this challenging time.  



    Jostens Products - Class Rings and Seniors Products:   If your Ram did not place an order when Jostens was onsite, orders can be placed online at Jostens.com.  If students did not get a packet (including VA students), we will have them available at the Counselor Corner during lunch and the main office.  


    2022 Yearbooks are on sale! Order your copy of the 2022 yearbook for the year's cheapest price and 4 free personalized icons. Order at jostensyearbooks.com. 


    RHS Clubs:  We have had a couple of questions about clubs, particularly from parents of freshmen.  You can click this link, and it will bring you to the directory of clubs we offer at RHS. If a student finds a club he or she likes, have your Ram email the advisor associated with the club and the advisor can provide her more information.

    Stay RAMarkable! 



    Dhedra Lassiter 


    Dhedra Lassiter, Principal

    Rolesville High School

    1099 E. Young Street

    Rolesville, NC  27571

    (919) 554-6303