• Rolesville HS Weekly Updates     | March 15, 2019




    Important Upcoming Dates

        End of Third Quarter:  March 26th

        Next Teacher Workday:  March 29th

        Next Report Card Distribution:  April 5th


    Regarding Graduation and Cords:  I shared the following the students and staff this morning.


    The committee acknowledges the variety of requests to revisit the decisions regarding the wearing of cords at the senior awards ceremony and graduation.  While there was no intent to cause distress, the expressions of discontent have been duly noted and discussed. The committee wishes to let the school community know that many possibilities regarding cords were discussed over the past three school years.  The committee has researched the practices at many of the other schools. They found that the wearing of cords at Wake County graduations is as unique as each school. There is no standard protocol for cords.


    The committee already made a decision to permit the addition of cords for service clubs as well as school-based clubs that are nationally affiliated during the senior awards ceremony.  These cords have been added to those already earned by students who have distinguished themselves in nationally established honor societies for which RHS has a charter. The committee continues to approve the wearing of these additional club cords in addition to honor society cords.  Additionally, students who have achieved Latin honors status will receive their stoles during this ceremony.


    With respect to graduation, we will maintain the former practice for this year.  This practice permits students to wear honor society cords.  They will, however, receive Latin honors stoles in lieu of the cords we previously used.  Stoles are the standard for Latin honors beginning this year in Wake County Public Schools.  Latin honors recognition and honor society recognition will be noted in the graduation program.


    The committee will revisit the cord practices between now and next fall to solicit input from stakeholders and determine if the practices will stand or if they will have adjustments.  The committee will also give adequate notice for the plan for the upcoming graduating class.


    We look forward to an exceptional graduation that makes both seniors, their families and the entirety of the school community proud.




    Winter Guard and Percussion Competition at RHS Saturday:  Our Band Boosters will host a very large competition for the Atlantic Indoor Association.  If you have never seen winter guard or percussion ensemble in action, you need to come to school next Saturday to check this out.  The boosters and band students have a major feat ahead of them, but it will be an incredible event! It is an all-day affair and we hope to see you there!


    Legacy Award:  The graduation committee has started a new recognition to help us remember staff, students and community members who have given of themselves graciously and tirelessly to support Rolesville High School.  The requirements and timelines can be found on the RHS website. Nominations are due to the committee by the end of March. If you know someone who deserves to be recognized for their contributions, please check out the website and consider nominating.


    Leadership Opportunity for Rising Juniors and Seniors:  The Wake Forest Chamber of Commerce has offered RHS 20 spots for some students to attend monthly sessions on soft skills for work, leadership, and financial literacy.  This program will also include a 120-hour internship. We are grateful for the opportunity to help our students connect with work in the local community as part of a program that may become a model for other programs across the country.


    Wake Tech Open Houses:  I got an email from WTCC regarding two upcoming open houses.  On April 6th, there is an open house from 9-noon at the Scott Northern Campus as well as 10 AM-1 PM for the Perry Health Sciences Campus.  For more information, go to openhouse.waketech.edu.


    PTSA Scholarship for Seniors:  In the near future, PTSA will release the scholarship application for seniors who are members of PTSA.  I just wanted to make sure seniors are aware that they must be members to apply. Members need to pay attention so as not to miss the opportunity.


    Senior Parent Graduation Meeting:  Plan ahead for April 9th at 6 PM.  We want to review the requirements and give you helpful tips to make the experience enjoyable.


    Planning Ahead for the April PTSA Board meeting:  We will hold the meeting at 7 PM on the 9th following the senior parent graduation information meeting.


    National College Fair:  March 19th from 4:30-7:30 PM at Raleigh Convention Center  Information can be found at https://www.nacacfairs.org/attend/national-college-fairs/raleigh-college-fair/





    Spring Semester Exams:  Remember that they begin on June 5th and run through June 11th.  We will release the schedule soon. We are trying to make sure that we have everything workable as graduation rehearsal at the Raleigh Convention Center is the afternoon of the 5th.  We are looking at the best way to manage that date with two major things happening.


    Graduation Date and Time:  I just want to remind you that RHS graduates at Raleigh Convention Center on Friday, June 14th at 8 AM.


    Very Important Regarding Registration for Rising 10-12th Graders:  High school registration for the 2019-20 school year begins on Monday, February 25th.  All applications for application courses are located on our website under Academics – Course Registration 2019-2020 and on the shelves in the first-floor commons.  The schedule will be as follows:

    On-Campus Registration with School Counselors: February 25th - March 14th: Registration will be in the Media Center during Periods 1,2, and 4.

    • Make-ups: February 27th, March 6th, 13th & 14th  



    • Application Courses/AP Agreements/Teacher Cadets: March 29th
    • Mid-Year and Early Graduates: June 14th
    • AP Course Drop: July 12th
    • College and Career Promise (CCP): August 16th (Fall) or January 10th (Spring)
    • Partial Day (Seniors Only): December 6th
    • Dual Enrollment/CTE Internship: August 16th, 2019 (Fall) or January 10th, 2020 (Spring)


    Application Courses:  If your Ram plans to apply for an application course for next year, it is very important that he or she get an application from the bins in the first floor Commons on the bookcases.  Deadlines are firm and directions must be followed. Applications should be completed and submitted by the day of registration.


    Planning for PTSA 2019-20:  The current board is seeking interest for positions.  While we know folks may find an elected position constraining, we also would like to know if there are folks who are willing to chair a committee.  Feel free to let me know or speak with a current board member.


    College Acceptance and Scholarship Letters:  Our Student Services Department wants students to bring a copy of acceptance letters and scholarship offers to their front desk.  The counselors maintain a record of acceptance and a running total of scholarship offers for each class. It is a great opportunity to celebrate with our students as they make plans for the next steps in their lives.


    For Seniors Who Want to Become Teachers:  Applications for Cohort 5 of the district’s Future Teachers Program will be accepted February 11th – April 5th, and we need your help to ensure that students are aware of this exciting opportunity. Need more information about Future Teachers? Find it here.  Eligibility requirements are

    • · Must be a graduating WCPSS high school senior
    • · Gain admittance to a college or university for the Fall 2019 semester
    • · Intend to pursue a K-12 teaching career with WCPSS in one of the following licensure areas:  Birth to Kindergarten, Career and Technical Education, Elementary Education, English/Language Arts, English Second Language, Math, Science, Social Studies, Special Education, World Languages


    Prom Tickets:  Prices increased to $80 for March.  Complete prom forms must be submitted during the week of April 23rd in order to pick up tickets.  Attendance specifications can be found on the form. All students must also clear fees and fines before tickets can be distributed.  This includes payment of all graduation-related expenses for seniors. I want to be sure you know in order to make plans to manage expenses.


    Senior fees and fines:  It is important that seniors pay fees and fines and return books.  We cannot release transcripts until these are cleared. Likewise, this is necessary to participate in prom and graduation activities.