• RHS Weekly Updates - June 22, 2018



    Report Cards:  They are being sent bulk mail through the Central Services mailroom.  Due to very, very late exam information, we were not able to drop them off to be mailed until Friday (June 22).  This pathway is slower than typical USPS.  I suspect you will get them mid -to-late week next week.

    Summer School:  We will begin to look at applications now that grades have been finalized.  We were not able to do that until we had a complete set for review. 

    Family Survey:  First of all, thank you to those who completed the survey.  The information clearly needs to be reviewed with the teachers.   

    I learned that I need to explain acronyms and give more history when I provide weekly notes to parents.

    I occurred to me that parents do not likely realize that I get many of my items from the morning announcements.  So, when a student says they are not familiar with information that a parent reads in the email or online, I would ask if it was possible that they were not listening.  Truly, I pick up the announcement folder and summarize the same information for parents.  If you ever have questions, please feel free to call the office for clarification.

    I also learned that I think there was confusion on the understanding of a couple of respondents about how we handle contacts and requests for contact from an administrator.  I have known many of you through my middle school work over the years and it seems very normal to contact me directly.  While I do not mind talking with any parent (ever seen me speechless?) I have to honor the supervision of the APs over their respective departments.  Quite frankly, they may have details about situations that I do not have.  They also are the ones that directly supervise staff in their assigned departments.  Therefore, I will send the concerns to the APs and the teachers to have them contact you first.  I am thinking that maybe I have not done a good job in helping families know who to contact first and for that I apologize. 

    As for the other information that families provided, I believe that staff need to read and analyze to determine how to modify practices to help families feel included and connected.  Our data is in line with the responses pertaining to other high schools in WCPSS.  Regardless, we need to always look at ways to make our practices better. 

    RHS Track Athletes at Nationals: I hope I get this exactly right.  Last weekend, Jade Houston placed 2nd in her age category in tennis and Kendall Artis-McLean place 2nd in the Emerging Elite category of the high jump.

    FFA at State Convention:  Robert Robison, who just recently graduated, competed for and won the Extemporaneous Public Speaking contest at the NC FFA state convention. With the win, he qualified to compete nationally at next year’s National Convention in October. This is our first true state FFA champion.  We also received our Gold National Chapter award, marking us as one of the best chapters in NC.



    Senior Portraits:  Remember that we will have portraits/packages taken on site the week of July 30th.  There will be two different sitting fee types which will be explained in the letter: either $15 or $25.  When the students are here, they will take some combination of the tux/drape, cap and gown, indoor informal or outdoor informal.  The letter will explain more.

    There will be tux/drape makeups during the school year for seniors, but that will be the only pose.  If that week at the end of July into August will not work, Strawbridge will open up slots at other schools.  It is important to make a plan so as not to find out that no slot is available.  Contact Surojini Winterton at Swinterton@strawbridge.net to reschedule your appointment.

    M-F 06/25/18 - 06/29/18 Green Hope HS

    M-F 07/09/18 - 07/13/18 Cary HS

    M-F 07/16/18 - 07/20/18 Holly Springs HS

    M-Th 07/16/18 - 07/19/18 Athens Drive HS

    M-Th 07/23/18 - 07/26/18 Broughton HS

    M-Th 07/23/18 - 07/27/18 Panther Creek HS

    Ram Camp:  It will be August 9th in the morning.  We will send more information to families.  If you have a rising Ram or know of someone who does, make sure they are planning to have that student at school on the 9th

    Summer Opportunity: Join Habitat Wake for a Summer of Service! To apply for this volunteer opportunity, please call 919-744-2417 or email christin.murphy@habitatwake.org.   In addition to gaining exposure to leaders in the community, this opportunity provides hands-on experience in the core program areas of Habitat, non-profit exposure, involvement in special events, and a certificate to add to your portfolio or resume.