Rolesville High School Weekly Updates | November 3, 2017
Report Card Distribution: November 3rd
Veterans Day Holiday: November 10th
Reindeer Day - Saturday, Nov. 4: We have 170 vendors set to share their concoctions and wares including student groups. Join us between 9am and 4pm for good shopping, good food and good entertainment!
Junior Conferences: These begin next week starting on Tuesday. Juniors will get information pertaining to the current school year and senior year.
Grades and off-campus lunch: In the lunch pass agreement, students sign that they must keep grades up. They cannot have any Fs. Students who have lunch passes and earn Fs will have their lunch passes revoked for a minimum of two weeks. Students will be required to demonstrate at least a C in the classes that they failed before they allowed to utilize their passes again. Grades matter and students need to have a substantial enough start for the second nine weeks to move them toward a likelihood of successful completion.
Junior Parent Night: November 20th at 6 pm. Please join us for information to support your Ram during the junior year and into senior year.
Senior Yearbook Ad Information: It has been posted to our RHS homepage.
NHS tutoring at lunch time will start on November 5 during A and B lunch three times per week on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Teachers register students to get help.
NCSU Dept. of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences: Open houses will be held on Nov. 9th and 30th from 5-7 PM for students who are interested in earthquakes, planetary exploration, digital landscapes, oceanic features and atmosphere studies. Look up the department website for more information. It sounds pretty cool!
Interested in becoming a teacher? Attend ECU’s College of Education Teach Day on Saturday, December 2, 2017. This event will be held on the campus of East Carolina University. You must register. Stop by Student Services to pick up registration information.
Note in the Pocket: Hello, parents. Starting now there will be a new student run operation at RHS. It is called Note in the Pocket and is a organization that donates used clothes and school supplies to children in need throughout Wake County. Parents, when your children begin to outgrow their clothes, collect them in a bag, bring or send them to Rolesville and place them in a collection box when we open the window for collections. There will be further updates as to when the boxes are out ready for donations. For further information, see www.noteinthepocket.org.
Food from off-campus lunch: As you all know, students have been told that they are not to bring food back into the building. I have shared with students during announcements and want you all to know that food must be consumed before it comes into the building. We have trash cans in the parking lots for trash and leftovers. I have no desire to take the food nor does any staff member. Please help the students understand that the food is subject to confiscation if it comes inside the building.