• Rolesville HS Weekly Announcements    | May 24, 2019




    Important Dates:

    • Graduation Rehearsal at Raleigh Convention Center:  June 5 at 3:30 PM
    • Graduation at Raleigh Convention Center:  June 14th at 8 AM


    Exam Schedule:  It has been posted on the school homepage in the scrolling banner.


    Senior Baccalaureate: The program is set for 10 AM on June 1st for Lifepointe Church on Durant Road.  Seniors and their families are invited. Seniors must arrive with a cap and gown by 9:30 AM.  Light refreshments will follow. We will need volunteers to help set up and clean up. We will send a Sign-Up Genius soon.  Please RSVP at rolesvillehsptsa@gmail.com with the number of guests who will be attending in addition to the senior. Please respond by Wednesday.


    Volunteers for Baccalaureate:  PTSA needs parent volunteers to help set up for the service at Lifepointe next weekend.  Please sign up if you can assist. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B44A5AE2FA3FC1-senior9 They would sincerely appreciate it.


    PTSA for Next Year:  The board is looking for a secretary for next year.  Please let me know if you are interested and I will connect you with the right folks.


    Summer School Applications:  They are available in Student Services and the main office.  These spaces are for the purpose of promotion to the next grade and are limited.  We may not be able to accommodate all who make the request. The deadline for applications is June 12 at 3 PM.


    Senior Spirit Week is Coming:

        May 28 - What comes next?  Dress to represent your job, your training, whatever shows others where you are headed in your career and training.

        May 29 - Tacky Tourist Day (Hawaiian shirts work just fine…)

        May 30 - Trend Day...Bring back the outdated trends.

        May 31 - Senior Citizen Day


    Extra Graduation Tickets by Proctoring Exams:  The form to sign up to proctor to get extra

    graduation tickets is on the homepage in the banner.  Wait until the proper slide comes up and click on it to go to the Google form to sign up.


    Media Center Deadlines:  The last day to check out a book was May 24th and the last day the center will be open is May 31st,  Seniors need to take care of fees and fines ASAP to prevent ticket issues for graduation.


    Parents of Seniors and Seniors:  We regularly remind seniors to check our Student Services website for information regarding scholarships.  I occurred to me this week that parents need to be aware that this site is updated pretty frequently and you, too, might want to take a gander to see if there is a good fit.  As I said, we announce the ones that groups ask us to announce, but there are more than we have time to announce.


    Got aluminum can tabs?  RHS student, Sterling Elliott, will be participating in the 2019 NC Youth Legislative Assembly.  YLA participates in a community service project: PICK UP the TAB! This is a fundraiser that collects thousands of dollars for the Ronald McDonald House programs simply by collecting tabs from aluminum beverage or food cans in any containers (ex. Spaghetti-O’s).  Sterling plans to set up a collection station in the cafeteria April 1-12 and April 22-June.1. Please consider donating your tabs.


    Very Important Regarding Registration for 2019-20

    Remaining Deadlines:

    • Mid-Year and Early Graduates: June 14th
    • AP Course Drop: July 12th
    • College and Career Promise (CCP): August 16th (Fall) or January 10th (Spring)
    • Partial Day (Seniors Only): December 6th
    • Dual Enrollment/CTE Internship: August 16th, 2019 (Fall) or January 10th, 2020 (Spring)