• RHS Weekly Announcements     |    July 30, 2021



    Hello, Ram families!

    I hope all is well with you! We are in the short rows




    Families of Students Who Have IEPs:  We have started a section on our webpage to support families of students with IEPs.  We certainly understand that there is so much information surrounding plans and student support.



    Join our Rams Athletic Club (Boosters):  It’s time folks.  We need to get in gear and start planning for the new year.  WOOT!  Click here for information to join our Rams Athletic Club.  We need your help!



    Other Important Athletic Booster Information: 

    IMPORTANT DATES & Locations to find the Rolesville Athletic Club with Spirit Wear and Punch Cards!

    8/9 - 6pm - Fall Sports Night 

    8/13 - 8-10am & 6-8pm - RAM JAM 

    8/16 - 8am - 2pm  RAM CAMP freshman orientation 

    8/21 - 8am - Rise & Run 3K 

    8/21 - 10am -4pm - Motors & Market 


    GET INVOLVED in your Rolesville Athletic Club (RAC)! Our next RAC booster meeting is TUESDAY, 9/7 at 6:30pm. It's a virtual meeting and anyone may attend. Email racboosterpresident@gmail.com  for the link. 


    RAM Head Walk Fundraiser. Proudly display the name of your student, club, organization or team.  Click here for more information or to sign up!  


    You can always order online for custom gear.




    Ram Camp for Freshmen:  We will hold our annual Ram Camp for rising freshmen on Monday, August 16th.  It will be necessary to hold two sessions, because we have a large freshman class.  The first session will be from 8:00-11:00 AM and will be for students whose last name starts with A-J.  The second session will be from 12:00-3 PM and will be for students whose last name starts with K-Z.  All students MUST wear a mask at all times while in the building.   It is important that students arrive on time as they will be divided into groups for sessions.  There will not be a parent session onsite as in the past to limit contacts during the pandemic.  We will post a parent video online to provide information, instead.  Parents should be onsite for pick-ups from the first session by 11:00 AM and the second session by 3:00 PM.  



    Freshmen School Photos:   Strawbridge will be here on 8/16/2021 to photograph Freshman for the yearbook.  Parents, of course, will be able to order pictures through the Strawbridge website:  www.strawbridge.net. Use code FM367354 to place your order.  This link will allow parents to sign up to receive updates via email regarding their child's school portraits. These updates include promotions, additional deals and the ability to order more pictures at a later time. When entering student information, parents should be sure to enter the student's name as it is on file at the school.  We have attached a flyer to the rotator on our website to show package information.



    Mask Accommodations:  All students in WCPSS buildings are expected to wear cloth face coverings at all times, except when actively eating or drinking or during designated mask breaks. Requests for exceptions to this rule will be considered on a case-by-case basis for students with a medical condition or disability that renders mask-wearing harmful or medically inadvisable.

    • Students who have previously received face covering accommodations during the 2020-2021 school year do not need to reapply. Accommodations/exemptions remain in effect for the 21-22 school year.
    • Students receiving services in regional programs do not require an accommodation form and upon request from the parent or guardian are exempt from face covering requirements.
    • Students for whom no accommodation exists, parents and guardians can request a face covering accommodation by completing this WCPSS form and having the student’s licensed healthcare provider complete relevant sections.





    Mask Updates:  We have lots of students coming to campus for a variety of reasons.  When students and families come into the school building, they are required to wear a mask.  This includes athletes who normally workout/practice outside.  When they come into the building, masks are required whether the students and family members are vaccinated or not.



    2021 Yearbook Pick-up: The next yearbook pick-up appointments will be August 17-20. If you have not already picked-up your yearbook, please sign-up using the following link:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090C4EA9A72AA3FE3-2021.  Current RHS students' yearbooks will be passed out during the first week of school if they are not picked up before then. Any questions? Please contact Ms. Hatcher at rhatcher@wcpss.net.


    Parking and Off-Campus Lunch Applications:  Information has been loaded to the RHS website. Please read carefully now, because there are steps that MUST be taken to complete the application and dates for you to plan to be here before school starts.


    Schedules:  Counselors are reviewing schedules to make sure students have required courses and proper sequencing.  It is a tedious process and will take quite a while to complete.  We hope that the majority of the task is completed by early August.  At that time, students can look at their schedules and make schedule change requests.  We will provide the parameters to request a change and the link to do so when the time comes.  I have had a couple of emails and wanted to make sure all are aware that this process will come a bit later.


    PreACT Scores:  If your Ram took the PreACT and you want the scores, we have score sheets in Student Services.  If you are okay with waiting until the school year begins, we can distribute then.


    Student Services: Our Student Services staff is updating information on their webpage as new information becomes available.  It would be helpful to periodically check the information this summer and familiarize yourself with the information that they offer and maintain on the site.  It would be helpful to pay careful attention to the following sections if they are topics that might apply to you.





    Scholarships: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSalm4WXA2H26nTj3VgSByNEFUvxV6MhPcyXGphPBPwDthK8QRURGTI9PZggUMu6crd8ADN4MPVr5j9/pub







    Big things happening at RHS on August 21st: We will start the day with Rams Rise and Run.  You can find out more here:  http://races.fastrams.me.


    The festivities will continue throughout the morning and afternoon with the Motors and Market event hosted by the RHS Band. It costs nothing to come out and enjoy our community event from 10-2 for the motor show and 10-4 for the market! We will be hosting a classic car/motorcycle/Jeep show with trophies (register if you want to enter your vehicle in the competition!!!!) and a market event in the stadium! (register if you would like to be a vendor!)


    Check out our flyer attached and if you would like to register to be a vehicle competitor or market vendor sign up here https://forms.gle/xo1CfisHqL1zaRRe9 and feel free to share with people you think would be interested!



    Preparing for RHS Rams Racing Series:  The Rams XC & Track Teams are hosting a series of community events this upcoming year. The goal is to engage Rolesville with the community, encourage healthful living, and raise funds for the Rams XC & Track programs. We would love for you to join us either (a) as a participant or (b) as a volunteer to help make the activity function well.

    • Aug 21: Rams Rise & Run 
    • Oct 9: Rams XC Invitational (XC & Youth Race)
    • Oct 31: Rams Scare Run
    • April 30: Rams SPRINGtacular Run

    Information for these races can be found @ http://races.fastrams.me 


    We know COVID will still be here in the new school year.  The administrative team has been talking about the impact going into the new year.  There will still be cases and the potential for necessary quarantine of 10, 14 o4 24 days.  While no student is required to get a vaccination, those who are vaccinated with both doses at least two weeks prior to the exposure will not be required to quarantine if exposed.  The impact on learning and participation in school activities could be great for those who are quarantined, especially given the transition back to the building for most students.   I make mention of this for your consideration.  If students are planning to be vaccinated, it would be most helpful to have the second vaccine complete two weeks before students return to school.


    Have a great weekend and stay RAM STRONG!



    Mrs. Lassiter