RHS Weekly Updates | May 6, 2018
Food in Cafeteria: As would make sense, inventory in the freezers and pantry at RHS must be used for breakfast and lunches. Ms. Hawley wanted to make sure that families realize that the availability of Little Caesar’s pizza will be reduced and more of the freezer and pantry foods will be on the line for selection.
AP Agreements for 2018-19: All students who registered for AP classes for next year met briefly in the gym on Friday. About a third of the classes did not have a matching AP agreement in place. We reminded students to submit it by May 9th to Mr. Morales. We will have a follow-up meeting with the students to allow them to meet the teachers who will teach the sections and also to give them summer assignments. Right now, we cannot finalize sections of the courses in the master schedule and the teachers who will be assigned to them until we get this information from the students. Please make sure you follow up with your Ram if you know that he or she registered for an AP class or more.
Senior Portrait Information: Strawbridge Studios will be taking care of our school pictures for the upcoming school year. I have previously mentioned that the week of July 31st, we will be hosting the senior picture event at RHS. There is important information you need to know now to help you prepare for the sessions.
First, you will get a letter with a session date and time to which your senior is assigned. Be on the lookout for this important information. It is also very important to know that if you cannot attend at that time, you will need to contact Strawbridge to reschedule. They will look at other times at RHS or at other Wake high schools that will be following the same summer format but on different days.
There will be two different sitting fee types which will be explained in the letter: either $15 or $25. When the students are here, they will take some combination of the tux/drape, cap and gown, indoor informal or outdoor informal. The letter will explain more.
There will be tux/drape makeups during the school year for seniors, but that will be the only pose.
The letters that will come in June will spell out more details. I just wanted you to know a bit more now in order to understand that we will not be going to a studio but coming to RHS this summer. I also wanted you to know the time frame.
Graduation Information: The information that was shared at the parent meeting has been posted to the website.
Fees and Fines: First, all fees and fines must be paid for students to be eligible to get prom tickets when they are supposed to be delivered to students. Notices have been distributed. Secondly, seniors cannot participate in graduation activities unless they clear fees and fines.
Important Academic Deadlines: These deadline exist for submission of recovery and late work.
Academic Recovery Deadline for Quarter 3: May 9th.
Late Work Cut-Off Dates for Quarter 4: May 1 and May 25
PTSA Website Updates Regarding Seniors: The information for the senior activities that PTSA is sponsoring has been updated on the PTSA site. Here is a link http://www.rolesvillehsptsa.com/2018-senior-activities.html
PTSA Need for Volunteers and Donations: We will be sending out the Sign-Up Genius for parent assistance for Senior Baccalaureate and Senior Picnic. We also are going to need donations of water bottles and individual chip bags.