• RHS Weekly Updates     |    March 24, 2018



    March 29th:  Don’t forget that due to earlier winter weather, March 29th is now a school day.

    Yearbooks:  They are extremely limited.  Go to Jostens.com to order right away.  At the start of the day on Friday, there were only 38 available for purchase.

    First Day after Break:  Students return on April 9th.  That evening, we will have a PTSA meeting at 6 PM.

    Iportant Graduation Information Meetings:  Seniors will meet with staff on April 18th at 8 AM.  Parent graduation meeting will be April 23rd at 6 PM.  In the next week, will post graduation information to help families begin to make plans.

    Senior Fees:  June grads need to go to  Online School Payments on our website  to pay $40. They are due by March 28th.

    Note in the Pocket:  They are looking for Teen Board members for 2018-19.  Their mission statement is “Teens providing school clothes to children in Wake county with dignity and love.”  Go online to look for the Teen Board application which is due April 30th.

    Family Engagement Survey:  WCPSS is sponsoring a survey to gather information from parents about the working relationship between school and parents and hopes for the future. From April 2-May 4, Wake parents are invited to participate in a survey that will be emailed from Panorama Education.  The intent is to gather information that will help us build stronger partnerships. Please be on the lookout for this email and share your insight with us.

    UNC-Splash:  This program is for high school students who are interested in taking classes on the Chapel Hill campus.  The date to take classes is April 14th. Students must register by April 6th. Contact Student Services for more information.

    Seniors and Parents:  Make sure you are looking at the scholarship opportunities online through our school website.



    Prom Tickets: They went on sale on Monday, March 5th.  We are changing the way we sell tickets and verify eligibility.  It is very important that students and parents review the information on our school site.  We will sell tickets on Online School Payments. Students must understand requirements for eligibility before purchasing.  Fees, fines, and dues as well as disciplinary measures are key to eligibility. Students must also maintain acceptable disciplinary status in order to participate.  If not, the student will be ineligible to attend and the cost of the tickets is non-refundable.

     Wake Tech Open Houses:  South Campus and Health Sciences Campus - April 7th starting at 9 AM.  Check the website for more information regarding all campus open houses.  Remember that different curricular programs are offered on specific campuses and not all campuses.  Research before you plan to attend.

     Job Opportunities:  Several business are sponsoring a Wake County Restaurant and Hotel Job Fair.  We are assisting employers (+80 employers) to find employees for all kinds of jobs in the hospitality sector.

    When: Wednesday, March 28, 10am-3pm

    Where:  Raleigh Convention Center, Ballroom A

    Address:  500 S. Salisbury St., Raleigh, 27601

    Check out more at visitRaleigh.com/jobfair.  There’s a full list of employers participating!

     Preparations for Graduation and End-of-Year Events  Well, we are really gearing up for graduation and end-of-year events as they require lots of planning.  

    Cap and Gown Delivery:  March 13th

    Senior Fees of $40 due:  March 23rd

    Parent Meeting for Graduation:  April 23rd 6-7 PM

    All fees must be cleared for seniors:  May 11th

    Prom at Raleigh’s CAM (Contemporary Art Museum):  May 19th

    Onsite Graduation/Awards Practice:  May 23rd

    Senior Awards:  May 24th at 8 AM

    Graduation Rehearsal at Raleigh Convention Center: May 30th at 6 PM

    Baccalureate at Wake Tech’s North Campus:  June 2nd

    Graduation:  June 8th at 8 PM

    Graduation Attire:  We continue to need white dress shirts, black ties, black pants and black dress shoes for our young men who either are in need or come dressed inappropriately.  For young ladies, we can surely use black flats or black pumps.

     College Acceptance and Scholarship Notifications:  Please remind your Ram to share that information with his or her counselor.

    CCP and Wake Tech:  Students who are interested in earning college credits at Wake Tech while still enrolled in high school may learn about the CCP program at ccp.waketech.edu.   Information sessions will be held on both Wake Tech's north and south campuses beginning late February through May 15. Students will need to register on the website to attend the mandatory information session.

    PTSA Nominations:  Our wonderful PTSA Board is already thinking about next year.  They very much want to know if there are folks who are interested in a position on the Board who are not presently represented.  Please contact the school or a present Board member to let us know you are interested.

    Planning ahead for current juniors:  In the past few summers, seniors have taken portraits at a studio in Raleigh.  We have been in conversation this past week and are very likely going to host tux/drape, cap and gown, informals at RHS during the week of July 30-Aug. 3 as opposed to a studio off site.  I wanted to give you a heads up that we are trying to make the trip shorter and the effort easier to accomplish over the summer. There will be more information to come later, but I thought it would be important to let you know given it is a shift in the way we have done business in the past.