• RHS Weekly Updates   |    December 31, 2021


    Publicaremos la traducción al español en "El Informativo" a principios de la semana que viene.


    Happy New Years Eve, Ram Fam!

    I hope you have had a WONDERFUL winter break!

    Remember that students return to school on Monday, January 3rd.  There will be five remaining class days before exams begin.




    Updates to COVID-19 Protocols:  WCPSS has emailed families to make you aware of the updates to protocols that align with CDC recommendations.  No changes have been made to masking requirements.  Updates can be found at https://www.wcpss.net/WhenToReturn?redir=1.  



    Exam Planning:  Exams will be Jan. 10-14.  Exam information  can be found on our school website..  We will have the parent permission slips to leave early as we have done in the past.  We posted the exam plan on our homepage as well as a link to our parent permission form that allows students to leave campus when the exam period is over.




    Mid-year graduates: Mrs. Allred emailed a form and the process for refunding parking fees to your Wake County email address. If you did not receive this email and are graduating at the end of first semester, please email Mrs. Allred to receive the information. 






    Assignment Strips for 2022-23:  Students were given strips to take home on Thursday only if the parent(s) don’t have a Powerschool account.  If you have a Parent Portal, you are supposed to use that access to check for the 22-23 assignment.  There is an icon to the left of the page when you log in labeled Next Year Assignment..  If you have forgotten your password, please email Mrs. Stever at jstever@wcpss.net.

    Complete List of Grade-Level Google Classroom Links:


    Class of 2025 = klt3cb7



    Class of 2024 = q6sdlpd



    Class of 2023 = 2mz6tiq



    Class of 2022 = vo5oj4u



    Senior Yearbook Ads are due 12/31: You may recognize your student’s milestones and successes with a student ad. Designs and payment are due by Dec. 31.  These ads may be purchased and designed at jostensadservice.com.



    Water Bottles or Cups:  We are blowing through our cups to allow students to get water.  It would be sooooooooo helpful if students would bring their own cup or bottle.  Please consider making sure your Ram has one!



    Wake Forest Dr. Martin Luther King Contest:  Each year, Wake Forest hosts a celebration where students are invited to participate in a variety of activities.  Awards are given.  We would love to have our students participate again this year.  Last year, our own Kashara Simpson won.  Check out the opportunities at https://www.wakeforestmlkcelebration.com/home.html


    Fast Food Deliveries for Lunch:  Deliveries from delivery services, family members or friends is not permitted. Likewise, students may not bring food from restaurants into the school during lunch or after lunch.


    Mask Requirements for Indoor Sports re. Spectators:  As we transition to winter sports, remember that face coverings are still required indoors on school campuses.  The distance between students and adults should be a minimum of 6 feet to the greatest extent possible.



    Volunteer to help #BeautifyRolesville - 1st Saturday of every month



    Volunteer to Share Your Expertise:  The Rolesville High School Business Alliance invites you to become part of your child’s education through involvement in our School-to-Career activities.  We encourage you to partner with us to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge for tomorrow’s global workforce.  School-to-Career activities include: classroom guest speaking, career fair participation, workplace tours, job shadowing, and curriculum integration projects & more.  For additional information: https://bit.ly/RHSBusinessAllianceInfo


    Virtual Tutoring Provided by National Honor Society Students:  To support students in VA who could use the help of our NHS Rams, there will be virtual tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-3:30.  Use the Google code rhstutor.  


    COVID-19 FAQ:  Ms. Chambliss developed the following FAQ to help our school community navigate school, exposures and quarantines during this challenging time. 


    Stay RAMarkable!



    Dhedra Lassiter