RHS Weekly Updates | April 13, 2018
Report Cards: They went home today.
PTSA Need for Volunteers and Donations: We will be sending out the Sign-Up Genius for parent assistance for Senior Baccalaureate and Senior Picnic. We also are going to need donations of water bottles and individual chip bags.
PTSA Website Updates Regarding Seniors: The information for the senior activities that PTSA is sponsoring has been updated on the PTSA site. Here is a link http://www.rolesvillehsptsa.com/2018-senior-activities.html
FFA Plant Sale: Saturday, April 14th 8AM - 2PM
Rams Athletic Club BBQ Chicken Sale: $10 per plate on April 21st from 11AM-3PM or until they run out. They will be selling on the lot beside Rolesville Elementary.
Important Graduation Information Meetings: Seniors will meet with staff at 8 AM on April 18th. Parent graduation meeting will be April 23rd at 6 PM. In the next week, will post graduation information to help families begin to make plans.
Preparations for Graduation and End-of-Year Events Well, we are really gearing up for graduation and end-of-year events as they require lots of planning.
All fees must be cleared for seniors: May 11th
Prom at Raleigh’s CAM (Contemporary Art Museum): May 19th
Onsite Graduation/Awards Practice: May 23rd
Senior Awards: May 24th at 8 AM
Graduation Rehearsal at Raleigh Convention Center: May 30th at 6 PM
Baccalureate at Wake Tech’s North Campus: June 2nd
Graduation: June 8th at 8 PM
Graduation Attire: We continue to need white dress shirts, black ties, black pants and black dress shoes for our young men who either are in need or come dressed inappropriately. For young ladies, we can surely use black flats or black pumps.
Seniors and Parents: Make sure you are looking at the scholarship opportunities online through our school website.
College Acceptance and Scholarship Notifications: Please remind your Ram to share that information with his or her counselor.
Family Engagement Survey: WCPSS is sponsoring a survey to gather information from parents about the working relationship between school and parents and hopes for the future. From April 2-May 4, Wake parents are invited to participate in a survey that will be emailed from Panorama Education. The intent is to gather information that will help us build stronger partnerships. Please be on the lookout for this email and share your insight with us.
CCP and Wake Tech: Students who are interested in earning college credits at Wake Tech while still enrolled in high school may learn about the CCP program at ccp.waketech.edu. Information sessions will be held on both Wake Tech's north and south campuses beginning late February through May 15. Students will need to register on the website to attend the mandatory information session.