Hello, Ram families!
It’s almost here - the time all educators live for - the first day of school!!!!! (Well, graduation is up there, too.)
I need to review and add a few more details about starting classes next week.
WCPSS Computer/Hotspot Distribution
We are still trying to track down some families, but I want to thank all of you who have responded to requests to tell us if you do or do not need devices. That said, we are only sharing information with WCPSS as the Tech Services Department is managing all distributions. We will not distribute at RHS. If you need a device and have made the request, WCPSS Tech Services will contact you via email with date, time and location for pick-up. Please check the email you provided a couple of times each day while you await your appointment.
Schedule Change Requests: Form is Live
For those students who would like to request a change, the form is not on our homepage and will be live until the 18th. Please do this sooner than later as counselors want to get everything settled asap.
Also remember that a request must meet the following requirements in order to be considered:
1) A student wants to increase rigor (moving from an Academic course to Honors course or an Honors course to an AP course)
2) A student is scheduled for a course they have previously passed, a student is missing a course needed to graduate (this only applies to Seniors)
3) A student has an incomplete schedule (holes in schedules will be filled with courses selected during the registration process OR classes with available space at the time of the request)
4) A student is scheduled for the same course twice, or a student has a schedule with a sequencing issue (i.e. scheduled for French II before French I - in this case the scheduling issue will be fixed, but the student will not be able to select new courses).
Log In Now
It is going to be too late to try to log in Monday morning. Students need to log in now to make sure they can get into WakeID portal (remember we reset passwords to the student lunch number) and email.
For parents, if you use the Powerschool app for Parent Portal, you may find that you still see last year’s schedule. You must go all the way out and log back in for the schedule to reset for this year.
Teachers Email Students
By Friday at 3 PM, teachers will send a blanket email to students by course. The email will be sent to the students’ school email accounts.The teachers will tell students how they need to access classes on Monday.
If you are having technical difficulties such as waiting on a computer or hotspot but you do have the means to respond to the teachers emails (cell phone), please email the teacher back and explain what is going on. We need as much information about what might prevent logging into the system next week as we can get.
If for some reason there is no email, students can access the platform by going to the staff directory and accessing the teacher’s landing page which will take them to the proper platform.
For Rising Freshmen
Mr. Garland put together a presentation and placed access on our homepage in the scrolling graphics. If you have not watched it (parents and rising ninth graders), please take time to watch before school starts.
Bell Schedule
The bell schedules have been loaded to our webpage. We will follow the one at the very bottom - Plan B Transition, Plan C, Virtual (Advisory Plan). We will be on this plan at least a week and probably 2. We have orientation topics that need to be addressed through and extended second period. First period begins at 7:30, so we are expecting to see the beautiful faces of our precious Rams at 7:30 AM sharp. Woohoo!
Week of Aug. 17-21: Classes and Materials Distribution
We are going to have face-to-face orientation activities on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of next week. Students will log into each class at the start of the class period on those days. Teachers will share on Monday what students need to do on Tuesday and share on Wednesday what they need to do on Thursday.
On Tuesday and Thursday, students will have independent activities to allow for flexible completion times. We will have multiple things going on. Staff will be in extensive training those days. Meanwhile, we will also hold materials distribution those days. Teachers will tell students what they need to pick up from school in order to complete the courses.
I am giving you the schedule now to allow you to plan. You may or may not find that students will need to actually pick anything up. If they/you do, the plan is:
Tuesday: Students whose last names end in A through L
9th Graders: 9 AM-11 AM
10th graders: 11AM - 1 PM
11th graders: 1PM - 3 PM
12th Graders: 3 PM - 5 PM
Open for those who cannot make it during the assigned time: 5PM - 7PM
Thursday: Students whose last names end in M through Z
9th Graders: 9 AM-11 AM
10th graders: 11AM - 1 PM
11th graders: 1PM - 3 PM
12th Graders: 3 PM - 5 PM
Open for those who cannot make it during the assigned time: 5PM - 7PM
I want to make a couple of comments that should help. If you have siblings or step-siblings who are in multiple grades, pick one time and join us. If you have multiple families who live in one house, pick one time and get everything at that time. You do not need to come twice. We will make this work for you.
Keep in mind that some of the materials like AP textbooks and musical instrumentsMUST be returned in great shape at the end of the semester.
If you must come to school
I know I have said it, but please come prepared. You must wear a mask, follow social distancing guidelines and sanitize when you are here.
If we can handle things remotely
Anything we can handle remotely, let’s plan to do it remotely. We will hold virtual meetings with parents, Student Services, etc. We are happy to schedule them. We all just need to get our virtual work calendars in sync!
Immunizations for Seniors, including Virtual Academy
We still have over 200 seniors for which we do not have complete shot information. We will be in touch with you again, as necessary. While we are learning remotely, the expectation is that we either get the records to show that the booster has been given in the past or we need to know that it will be completed. The legal requirement has been temporarily suspended until Sept. 30th. I mentioned before that it takes time to set up appointments for boosters and actually get into the office. If you have not made that appointment, you need to do it now. I need records on or before Sept. 30th to tell me that you have satisfied this legal requirement. Understand that I do not know if there will be a further extension. Wherever that deadline finally lands, I will have to suspend students from school until the shots have been completed and verified with the school.
Orientation slides and more for everyone
We know that this transition to all learning online is a challenge. We have tried to chunk information to not make it overwhelming. Next week, we will have a paced entry unlike what we have done for families in the past. Each synchronous day in the week, we will cover topics that should help students navigate through the semester. To help you as family members, we will post resources that might also help you support your Ram. So each day that we present information during Advisory that could also help you, we will post the links to our website.
Students will review this in class on Monday, but I am sending it to parents ahead of time to allow you to have the big picture.
Due to the potential impact of COVID-19 on internship opportunities in the 2020-2021 school year, students can request up to two total periods for partial day early release for the 2020-2021 school year only and for seniors only. Keep in mind that approval will be partially based on scheduling of required courses for graduation. We must meet these requirements. Please indicate below what you are applying for:
- 4th period in the fall only
- 3rd and 4th period in the fall
- 4th period in the fall and the spring
- 3rd and 4th period in the spring
- 4th period in the spring
We are adding the application to our school website. Go to the homepage and watch for the request to come up on the rotating banner. You will find the form by clicking on the associated graphic for partial day early release. These will be due by August 17th.
We have extended the deadline to August 17th to apply for mid-year graduation.
Have a great weekend and stay RAM STRONG!
Mrs. Lassiter